Showing posts with label Life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Life. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Who is still reading blogs? Do I need a blog?

It's almost 2020. I stopped posting back in 2014. Now why is that?

It felt like doing a lot of work for nothing. 100 article views, seriously? Maybe I shouldn't have stopped, but then again - maybe I shouldn't have started in the first place.

What's the point? Is it to make money? Well, you can expect to make 0.10$ per month. I know some blog owners with a crazy number of readers, and they are not making much either. So, no, probably not for the money.

So what's the point of blogs these days anyways?
I think there is no point. 60% of people will go to youtube looking for information. 40% of people will probably go to reddit. So, unless you possess some kind of unique knowledge e.g. can give an answer to the problem that was never solved before - don't even bother with a blog.

The blogs have been dead for a while now. Killed by aforementioned services, mostly. But can someone like me ever do YouTube? No. I prefer to stay Anonymous on the internet, and showing my face to hundreds of people is not for an introvert like me. Another reason to not do YouTube is simply...Because it has no freedom speech. Ironically, I'm saying this on blogger, which is also a google platform. But I don't think anyone would bother moderating shit around here! :) There is no big buck in text ads anymore, just these tasty prerolls everyone loves so much.

So here I am, thinking I should establish at least some public presence. And in attempting to do so I'm talking to myself and to google crawler bots. Should I try and start posting again, or is it a waste of time?