This is not an instruction of any sort, just a bunch of pics of a really sad videocard. I thought small aluminium capacitors were less prone to popping like this, but appeently I was wrong.
I'll try to be a videocard coroner and go understand how it died.
Now how could you possibly do this to a poor thing? I know it's really old, but hell, it can't get that bad by operating within normal parameters. Right?
Yes, absolutely. This card was being used in a PC, that was subjected to constant power fluctuations. An old house, old wiring, and all it took to reboot the computer - is sumultanious electric kettle and a washing machine exploitation. Yep, there people who don't bother with stuff like that. Light flickering every couple of seconds - who cares? Don't be like that people! Replace your wiring, fuses, electric meter - everything that could be involved. I would also install a voltage stabilizer.
You're thinking - if the power fluctuations are to blame - how come everything else is working? Well...It's not..Not really. PSU and motherboard were on the verge of dying. If fact, their PSU died a few months after I fixed a video card and told them to fix their wiring and install a stabilizer. Well, if people don't care about their own hardware - why should I?
I'll try to be a videocard coroner and go understand how it died.
Three pretty dead capacitors |
Yes, absolutely. This card was being used in a PC, that was subjected to constant power fluctuations. An old house, old wiring, and all it took to reboot the computer - is sumultanious electric kettle and a washing machine exploitation. Yep, there people who don't bother with stuff like that. Light flickering every couple of seconds - who cares? Don't be like that people! Replace your wiring, fuses, electric meter - everything that could be involved. I would also install a voltage stabilizer.
You're thinking - if the power fluctuations are to blame - how come everything else is working? Well...It's not..Not really. PSU and motherboard were on the verge of dying. If fact, their PSU died a few months after I fixed a video card and told them to fix their wiring and install a stabilizer. Well, if people don't care about their own hardware - why should I?
Cool shot with a laptop on a background |
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